Code Of Conduct
In a written code of conduct, the aim is to promote harmony between humanity and the individual 'apart from differences of race, background, and beliefs.
Basic elements / standards of the code of conduct that is:
* The ban on child labor;
* Prohibition of forced labor;
* Prohibition of discrimination based on race, religion, or ethnic origin;
* Requirements to ensure the health and safety of the workplace environment;
* Provisions on wages, usually based on local laws about the minimum wage or the prevailing rate in the local industry;
* The provisions on the restriction of working hours, including forced overtime, in accordance with local laws, and
* Support for freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively.
Code of conduct in the apparel industry in the U.S
These companies have adopted the U.S. company codes of ethics for various reasons, ranging from a sense of "social responsibility" to pressure from competitors, trade unions, media, consumer groups, shareholders, and labor rights-supporting.
Code of Conduct (CoC) to explain and define the principles of business ethics conducted by the company, all suppliers must sign the CoC, the supplier is responsible for sub-cont. chosen so as not to violate CoC.
The purpose of this CoC is to ensure an ethical business and fair by all parties involved.
To write a code of conduct, there are ten things that most often is the code of conduct, namely:
1. All work must be freely chosen
2. All employees have a certain age
3. All employees must work less than a certain number of hours per week
4. Suppliers must comply with wage laws
5. All employees should receive humane treatment
6. Suppliers may not discriminate in employment decisions
7. Supplier facilities must meet safety standards
8. Supplier must have a plan for emergencies
9. Suppliers must notify employees of the supplier code of conduct applicable
10. Supplier suppliers in accordance with the Code of Conduct apply to conduct audits
Definition Code of Conduct
1. CoC create a set of rules for specific circumstances that became the standard for all those who participated in the group and represent themselves outside the group. Corporate sales force has a code of ethics and courtesy and respect while seeking new customers. Every organization has a set of rules that govern how its members expect to act.
Written or Implied
2. A code of ethics can be written or implied. Companies in hiring employees, the employee must agree part of the working conditions. If a person alleged to have breached the code, the meeting may be held to determine whether it was outside the code or not.
3. The penalty for violating the code of ethics vary depending on the organization. Fraternal order could ask someone violates the code of ethics to leave or suspended for a certain period. Other organizations, such as companies, may have the right to fire someone who violates the code of ethics. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers and financial representatives can be held responsible if they have determined to break the code of behavior.
Professional Behavior
4. A code of ethics exists for the purpose of expressing an individual has to show what the code is defined as professional behavior. People have expectations when they go to the doctor or see a lawyer. When these expectations are not met, people can feel violated or harmed. Often, the professional code of ethics to produce a legally binding which has a financial or legal assistance to those who violate the code.
5. By creating a code of ethics, the people in an organization has standards that must be met which can differentiate them from competitors. In the end, a code of conduct to build trust among the members and the community about the organization.
(Code of Conduct)
As a multinational company that develops rapidly, H & M feels increasingly important for us
demonstrate responsibility for all actions we take, whether in Europe or in
any part of the world. We have a responsibility to the thousands of people who participate
in a garment that we produce the message. We must ensure that no one in
between those who have contributed to our success is deprived of rights or azasinya
suffered both mental and physical.
To explain our position to our suppliers, our own employees and other parties,
We have established a Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct). This Code is
absolute requirement of our party to be followed by all suppliers and subcontractors
without exception.
Our general rule is that all suppliers, in all their activities, must
obey the laws where they operate. If the requirements set
H & M in the following are things contrary to law in any state or
territory, then that must be obeyed always is the law.
In this case, the supplier must notify the H & M immediately upon receiving Code
This behavior.
However, it should be understood that the requirements set out H & M may not be limited
to the requirements set forth in the relevant state law.
2.1. Policies
We base our policy on employment of children in the UN Convention on
Rights of the Child, article 32.1.
We recognize the right of every child to be protected from economic exploitation and
the work that endanger or interfere with or endanger the health education
or physical, mental, spiritual, social and moral children.
2 (7)
2.2. Definition
We interpret the words of children, in this context, as a person under the age of 15
years or, as an exception, under 14 years in the countries covered in Article 2.3
ILO Convention. 138.
2.3. Implementation of H & M's policy on Labor Child.
H & M does not accept the children as employees.
We are very concerned about the situation of children in many countries in the world. We acknowledge the fact
that there is labor of children and this fact can not be eliminated by
regulations or inspections
solely for the social situation of children is not improved. We want to actively work
with the entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) countries, third world to
improve the situation of children affected by our ban on the use of force
child labor.
If a child (see definition on page 1) are found working in factories
produces the garment unutk H & M, then we will ask the factory for
ensure that the steps they take are in the best interests of the child
bersangkutan.Kami together with the factory will find a solution that
taking into consideration the age, social situation, education, and other children
concerned. We're not going to ask the factory to fire child
concerned without first mebicarakan future child. Any action
taken should always aim to improve, not exacerbate, the situation of the child.
Any costs for education, etc., must be borne by the factory.
We will firmly demand that the factory is no longer relevant
use the labor of children.
We suggest to the factories that made up the bulk of the female employees to
providing day care of children under school age.
2.4. Application of Law
If a supplier can not accept our policy on employment of children
this, then we will stop our cooperation with this supplier.
3 (7)
2.5. Work Internship Program
In countries where the law permits apprenticeship programs for children
under the age between 12 and 15 years, we can accept children in the age group to work
several hours a day. The number of hours spent on light work and school should not be
more than 7 (seven) hours a day (ILO conventions. 33). Factory must be able to prove that
This job does not interfere with children's education, that the work is light and the corresponding
clearly given as training, and that the child receive a wage
reasonable. If we have reason to doubt these requirements, then the program
internship will not be accepted in the factories that produce garment for H & M.
2.6. Shipping - Shipping Special
In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we recognize that a person is considered
child until the age of 18 years.
Therefore, we recommend our suppliers to ensure that employees in
15-18 year age group are treated in accordance with the UN Convention referred to. Restricted hours
work and overtime for this age group should be set with special consideration to
age young people that age.
3.1 Safety in the Building and Fire
We ask all our suppliers to always give priority to workers' safety. We
not be accepted for the use of dangerous equipment or unsafe buildings.
The factory should have given the exit clearly tand, and emergency exits in each
floor. All exit doors must open outwards.
Exits should not be blocked by cartons, fabric rolls or debris, and should be given information
enough. If the emergency exit was locked, the key must be placed in a glass cabinet
fragile beside the door, so that is accessible by all employees.
All employees should be informed about the work safety arrangements, such as the location of emergency doors,
fire extinguishers, first aid equipment,
etc.. An evacuation plan should be posted and clearly visible inside the plant, the sirens
fire must be periodically diujisecara and evacuation drills are also conducted duly
4 (7)
3.2 First Aid
First aid kit should be available in every factory, and at least one person in each of
provided the first basic training.
Recommended that a doctor or nurse is available immediately in the event of an accident at the plant.
Company must pay any costs (not covered by social security) which
employee issued for treatment of injuries that occur during working hours.
4.1 Rights
All workers producing garments for H & M menpunyai rights azasinya respectively:
4.1.1 We can not accept the personnel employed in the status, prisoners or
illegal workers in producing products for H & M.
4.1.2. If there are foreign workers who work on a contract basis, so they did not
can be forced to remain employed for a period kamauan outside their own will. All
commissions and taxes dibaya to an employment agency in relation to the employment power
work should be covered by the employer.
4.1.3. Suppliers or their subcontractors are not justified at all corporal punishment menerapakan
or other forms of disciplinary punishment other mental or physical sexual harassment atu.
4.1.4. All employees are free to join the union members of their own choice, and
merekea right to bargain collectively. We can not justify the disciplinary action
by the manufacturer of the employees who choose to peacefully and lawfully become a member of a
4.1.5. We can not accept discrimination against an employee for reasons of race, sex,
religion or ethnic background. All employees who have the experience and qualifications of the same
should be given equal pay for equal work.
4.1.6. All employees are eligible for employment contracts.
5 (7)
4.2 Wages and Working Hours
4.2.1 Wages should be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of work
implemented. The legal minimum wage was the minimum wage level, not on
The recommended minimum level.
4.2.2 Weekly working time must not exceed the legal limit, and overtime work
is voluntary and paid a decent wage.
4.2.3. Employees entitled to annual leave and sick leave in accordance with the provisions without any form
cutting (reperkusi) any.
4.2.4. A pregnant female employee maternity leave should be given according to the applicable provisions.
4.2.5. Dismissal of pregnant female employee can not be justified.
In developing countries, we recommend our suppliers to provide at least one
times a day with free food for employees.
5.1 For the welfare of employees and for the quality, the environment in the factory must be clean
and free from all forms of pollution.
5.2 The temperature in the factory should be tolerable as a working environment with adequate ventilation.
Heaters or fans should be provided when needed.
5.3 Information in each workplace should be sufficient for the work performed throughout the day.
5.4 Facility Sanitary facilities must be clean and factory workers should have access without restrictions
unnatural. The number of facilities should be adequate for the number of employees in the factory.
Sanitary facilities should be available on each floor and a separate factory for women and men.
6 (7)
If the company provides housing for its staff, the requirements regarding
Safety and conditions in the factory under point 3 and 5 above, also apply
employee housing environment.
All employees must provide their own bed and living space per worker should
meet the minimum requirement by law.
Dormitories, toilets and bathrooms for men and women should be provided separately. Not allowed
no limitation of the right of employees to leave the dormitory during off hours (at l
We want to particularly stress the importance of the fire siren, fire extinguishers, door
exit the freeway, and evacuation drills in residential areas out.
The environment is of increasing concern globally and H & M expects the
suppliers to act responsibly in this case.
Our suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning environmental yan
applicable in countries where they operate.
In accordance with the provisions regarding restrictions on the use of chemicals applied to H & M
(H & M Chemical Restriction), we do not allow use of solvents or chemicals
Another dangerous in garment production. All suppliers must sign the H & M Chemical
Restriction Commitment, which would not confirm the use of chemicals banned
in the production process.
8.1 The principle of Trust and Cooperation
H & M expects all suppliers to respect the above Code of Conduct and to actively
do their utmost to achieve the standards we set. We believe our staff
itself will show a great responsibility in their work and we expect
the same from our suppliers. We believe in the importance of cooperation and we
willing to work with our suppliers to achieve workable solutions in each case
We are willing to consider cultural differences and other factors which may vary
from one country to another, but we will not compromise on the basic requirements
the safety and human rights.
7 (7)
8.2 Monitoring
All suppliers are required to always inform the H & M about where each order
produced. H & M has the right to make unannounced visits at any time in any factory
producing our goods. We are also entitled to request an independent third party (eg, NGOs)
that we make inspections to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct
Companies that we set this.
8.3 Non-compliance
If we find that a supplier does not comply with this Code of Conduct, we will
decided that our business relationship with the supplier, if not taken langkahlangkah
improvements within an agreed time limit.
If we find violations repeatedly, then we will immediately
decided that cooperation with the supplier and cancel our existing orders
at that time.
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